I have migrated "Zalandria" over to Wordpress.com. Please visit me there!
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I look forward to seeing you there!
I have grown increasingly frustrated with Google's Blogger, and so I have begun the process of migrating "Zalandria" over to Wordpress.com, of which I have heard great things.
There are still some kinks to work, but so far I have been able to migrate almost all previous entries over to Wordpress, although there was some difficulty (now resolved) with posting YouTube videos.
I will make a formal announcement when the process is complete.
If you want to check out what's there now, go to:
I'll keep you posted!
Predictions for Tomorrow's Election
Sabato's Final Predictions
Larry Sabato predicts Democrats will take control of the Senate by winning 6 seats -- Virginia and Missouri go Democratic, Tennessee does not -- and the House by winning a 29 seats. In the states, he sees Democrats picking up 7 gubernatorial seats.
"For many a political practitioner, Election Eve is when pure nerves take over. Most of the hard work has already been done, and nearly every vote decided. Surely many Democrats will go to sleep tonight sensing the same giddy anticipation felt on Christmas Eve, with dreams of congressional majorities dancing in their heads and electoral goodies stuffed in stockings. Surely many in the GOP will go to bed dreaming that Democrats' gifts will be few and far between tomorrow -- and that the 'gifts' are mainly coal and switches!"
Live (sort of) Demo of Diebold Voting Maching Being Hacked!
In other news, this is post #375! Congrats to me!
Pastor Ted Gets a Little Testy!
Surprise, Surprise!
War simulation in 1999 pointed out Iraq invasion problems
POSTED: 10:15 p.m. EST, November 4, 2006
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A series of secret U.S. war games in 1999 showed that an invasion and post-war administration of Iraq would require 400,000 troops, nearly three times the number there now.
And even then, the games showed, the country still had a chance of dissolving into chaos.
In the simulation, called Desert Crossing, 70 military, diplomatic and intelligence participants concluded the high troop levels would be needed to keep order, seal borders and take care of other security needs.
The documents came to light Saturday through a Freedom of Information Act request by George Washington University's National Security Archive, an independent research institute and library.
"The conventional wisdom is the U.S. mistake in Iraq was not enough troops," said Thomas Blanton, the archive's director. "But the Desert Crossing war game in 1999 suggests we would have ended up with a failed state even with 400,000 troops on the ground."
There are about 144,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, down from a peak in January of about 160,000.
A week after the invasion, in March 2003, the Pentagon said there were 250,000 U.S. ground force troops inside Iraq, along with 40,000 coalition force troops.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Central Command, which sponsored the seminar and declassified the secret report in 2004, declined to comment Saturday because she was not familiar with the documents.
News of the war games results comes a day before judges are expected to deliver a verdict in Saddam Hussein war crimes trial. (Watch people prepare as curfew sets across Baghdad in anticipation of the verdicts -- 3:20 )
The war games looked at "worst case" and "most likely" scenarios after a war that removed then-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein from power. Some of the conclusions are similar to what actually occurred after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003:
"A change in regimes does not guarantee stability," the 1999 seminar briefings said. "A number of factors including aggressive neighbors, fragmentation along religious and/or ethnic lines, and chaos created by rival forces bidding for power could adversely affect regional stability." "Even when civil order is restored and borders are secured, the replacement regime could be problematic -- especially if perceived as weak, a puppet, or out-of-step with prevailing regional governments." "Iran's anti-Americanism could be enflamed by a U.S.-led intervention in Iraq," the briefings read. "The influx of U.S. and other western forces into Iraq would exacerbate worries in Tehran, as would the installation of a pro-western government in Baghdad." "The debate on post-Saddam Iraq also reveals the paucity of information about the potential and capabilities of the external Iraqi opposition groups. The lack of intelligence concerning their roles hampers U.S. policy development." "Also, some participants believe that no Arab government will welcome the kind of lengthy U.S. presence that would be required to install and sustain a democratic government." "A long-term, large-scale military intervention may be at odds with many coalition partners." Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
The Death of the Reagan Coaltion, Courtesy GWB
The Death of the Reagan Coalition
It took thirty years to build the Reagan coalition. It has taken George W. Bush just two years to destroy it. Polls taken by Reuters/Zogby International on the eve of the 2006 midterm elections confirm this analysis. In each of the Senate and House races surveyed, key groups that once formed the backbone to the Reagan coalition -- i.e., men, born-again voters, married, those with children under age 17 living at home, Independents, and those earning between $35,000 and $50,000 -- either favor the Democrats, or have forced the races to a draw.
Presidential coalitions endure because their agendas remain unfulfilled. Thus, when communism ended, the Reagan coalition began to decay. In politics, there is an important axiom: Success kills party coalitions. The fall of communism presented the Reagan coalition with its first crisis. Bill Clinton took advantage and won the presidency because of Reagan’s success.
George W. Bush sought to revive the Reagan coalition. First, he energized Christian conservatives who were repulsed by Clinton’s behavior during the Lewinsky affair. Second, he revived the Reagan tax cuts. But it was the war on terror that gave Bush his best hope for success. By reminding voters of September 11, Bush Republicans could offer themselves as the only barriers between safety and imminent holocaust.
There is a second rule of politics that is being reaffirmed this year: Failure guarantees the end of a party coalition. Dissatisfaction with Iraq is so high that Republican candidates have become stand-ins for Bush. Despite the burdens Democrats carry into the midterm contests, they are likely to win thanks to the successful enactment of a Republican tax cutting agenda at home, and the abject failures of the GOP’s foreign policy. This is reminiscent of 1968, when Democrats lost the presidency because the New Deal succeeded at home while the Vietnam War had become a colossal failure overseas.
The result is a terminal shrinking of the Reagan coalition. In 1980, Ronald Reagan asked a weary public the following questions: "Can anyone look at the record of this administration and say, ‘Well done?’ Can anyone look at our reduced standing in the world today and say, ‘Let’s have four more years of this?’" Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell observed that "there was no way we could survive if we allowed [the election] to become a referendum on the first three years of the Carter administration."
So it is once more. This year, Democrats want to make this election a referendum on the past two years. If you like the way things are going, they say, vote Republican. Republicans counter that these contests should not be a national referendum on the past, but a choice between an unhappy past and an even unhappier future should Democrats seize power. Since so few Americans are satisfied with the status-quo, Democrats are poised to win.
Ronald Reagan understood this elemental rule of politics -- namely, that elections boil down to choices based on simple questions. And his 1980 questions have renewed resonance this year. It is the Democrats who have donned the Reagan mantle. All they need is a presidential candidate to forge their new majority.
-- John Kenneth White is a Professor of Politics at the Catholic University of America and the author of The Values Divide: American Politics and Culture in Transition.
Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the American People
Eisenhower coins the term "Military-Industrial Complex". Re-edit to Philip Glass' Fog of War music. |
Cheney, 1991: Iraq Would Be A Quagmire!
Anti-Rush Limbaugh Video (NSFW Language!)
Homeland Security Proposes Travel Restrictions for ALL Americans!
We're All Prisoners, Now: US Citizens to be Required ''Clearance'' to Leave USA
October 26, 2006
Forget no-fly lists. If Uncle Sam gets its way, beginning on Jan. 14,
2007, we'll all be on no-fly lists, unless the government gives us
permission to leave-or re-enter-the United States.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (HSA) has proposed that all
airlines, cruise lines-even fishing boats-be required to obtain
clearance for each passenger they propose taking into or out of the
United States.
It doesn't matter if you have a U.S. Passport - a "travel document"
that now, absent a court order to the contrary, gives you a virtually
unqualified right to enter or leave the United States, any time you
want. When the DHS system comes into effect next January, if the
agency says "no" to a clearance request, or doesn't answer the
request at all, you won't be permitted to enter-or leave-the United
Consider what might happen if you're a U.S. passport holder on
assignment in a country like Saudi Arabia. Your visa is about to
expire, so you board your flight back to the United States. But wait!
You can't get on, because you don't have permission from the HSA.
Saudi immigration officials are on hand to escort you to a squalid
detention center, where you and others who are now effectively
"stateless persons" are detained, potentially indefinitely, until
their immigration status is sorted out.
Why might the HSA deny you permission to leave-or enter-the United
States? No one knows, because the entire clearance procedure would be
an administrative determination made secretly, with no right of
appeal. Naturally, the decision would be made without a warrant,
without probable cause and without even any particular degree of
suspicion. Basically, if the HSA decides it doesn't like you, you're
a prisoner - either outside, or inside, the United States, whether or
not you hold a U.S. passport.
The U.S. Supreme Court has long recognized there is a constitutional
right to travel internationally. Indeed, it has declared that the
right to travel is "a virtually unconditional personal right." The
United States has also signed treaties guaranteeing "freedom of
travel." So if these regulations do go into effect, you can expect a
lengthy court battle, both nationally and internationally.
Think this can't happen? Think again. It's ALREADY happening. Earlier
this year, HSA forbade airlines from transporting an 18-year-old a
native-born U.S. citizen, back to the United States. The prohibition
lasted nearly six months until it was finally lifted a few weeks ago.
Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union are two countries in recent history
that didn't allow their citizens to travel abroad without permission.
If these regulations go into effect, you can add the United States to
this list.
For more information on this proposed regulation, see http://
In my opinion, we are living in the early stages of dictatorship.
BREAKING: All 4 Military Newspapers Call for Rumsfeld to Resign!
Friday, November 03, 2006
BREAKING: All 4 leading military papers will call Monday for Rumsfeld to resign or be fired
by John in DC - 11/03/2006 11:39:00 PM
Let's face it. If God really is a Republican, then he's really pissed.
Editor & Publisher was able to get the entire editorial via The Ross Report. It will be published Momnday in the Army Times, Air Force Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times. Here is the text:
"So long as our government requires the backing of an aroused and informed public opinion ... it is necessary to tell the hard bruising truth."
That statement was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning war correspondent Marguerite Higgins more than a half-century ago during the Korean War.
But until recently, the "hard bruising" truth about the Iraq war has been difficult to come by from leaders in Washington. One rosy reassurance after another has been handed down by President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: "mission accomplished," the insurgency is "in its last throes," and "back off," we know what we're doing, are a few choice examples.
Military leaders generally toed the line, although a few retired generals eventually spoke out from the safety of the sidelines, inciting criticism equally from anti-war types, who thought they should have spoken out while still in uniform, and pro-war foes, who thought the generals should have kept their critiques behind closed doors.
Now, however, a new chorus of criticism is beginning to resonate. Active-duty military leaders are starting to voice misgivings about the war's planning, execution and dimming prospects for success.
Army Gen. John Abizaid, chief of U.S. Central Command, told a Senate Armed Services Committee in September: "I believe that the sectarian violence is probably as bad as I've seen it ... and that if not stopped, it is possible that Iraq could move towards civil war."
Last week, someone leaked to The New York Times a Central Command briefing slide showing an assessment that the civil conflict in Iraq now borders on "critical" and has been sliding toward "chaos" for most of the past year. The strategy in Iraq has been to train an Iraqi army and police force that could gradually take over for U.S. troops in providing for the security of their new government and their nation.
But despite the best efforts of American trainers, the problem of molding a viciously sectarian population into anything resembling a force for national unity has become a losing proposition.
For two years, American sergeants, captains and majors training the Iraqis have told their bosses that Iraqi troops have no sense of national identity, are only in it for the money, don't show up for duty and cannot sustain themselves.
Meanwhile, colonels and generals have asked their bosses for more troops. Service chiefs have asked for more money.
And all along, Rumsfeld has assured us that things are well in hand.
Now, the president says he'll stick with Rumsfeld for the balance of his term in the White House.
This is a mistake.
It is one thing for the majority of Americans to think Rumsfeld has failed. But when the nation's current military leaders start to break publicly with their defense secretary, then it is clear that he is losing control of the institution he ostensibly leads.
These officers have been loyal public promoters of a war policy many privately feared would fail. They have kept their counsel private, adhering to more than two centuries of American tradition of subordination of the military to civilian authority.
And although that tradition, and the officers' deep sense of honor, prevent them from saying this publicly, more and more of them believe it.
Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large. His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt.
This is not about the midterm elections. Regardless of which party wins Nov. 7, the time has come, Mr. President, to face the hard bruising truth:
Donald Rumsfeld must go.
Fox News Doesn't Surprise!
Why am I not suprised in the least?
The Wave!
November 03, 2006
When Did the Wave Start Building?
The generic congressional ballot doesn't necessarily tell us who will control the House after next week's elections (though one study says it's a good predictor.) But if a Democratic tidal wave is about to flush Republicans out, this chart probably shows us when it started forming."The generic ballot measure of the House has surged up and not stopped rising since September 22. The surge began the week in which the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) appeared, followed by Bob Woodward's book, State of Denial. A week later the Foley scandal broke, adding to the move that began a week earlier.
"The week or so before the NIE was published there was a small trend in the Republican direction which was remarked on in political news, but this very modest movement was abruptly revered. I would not have thought the NIE or Woodward revelations would have had much effect on mass public opinion, but the timing here is pretty convincing that these did in fact play a role."
In Your Face, RNC!
RNC Took Contributions from Porn Mogul
ABC News: "Despite running an attack ad accusing a Democratic senatorial candidate of accepting money from 'porn movie producers,' the Republican National Committee itself has accepted several donations over the past few years from the president of a large pornographic movie distribution company."
Update: It turns out Josh Marshall had this story last week.
What a Surprise!!
(a) Sadam verdict due on Sunday --- 2 DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTIONS! I'm sure the chief judge has a direct line from the White House!
(b) More importantly, this:
Fri Nov 03 2006 10:09:31 ET
Political insiders have expressed alarm after 12 voter smartcards have gone missing from one Shelby County, TN early vote location!
The cards are used to activate electronic voting machines.
The location at the center of the controversy is Bishop Byrne High School on E. Shelby Drive in Memphis.
The polling place started out with 25 cards. By Wednesday, 11 were missing, says an eyewitness.
The location was given 5 more smartcards on Thursday.
And another card went missing!
Someone possessing a smartcard could use 'off the shelf equipment' [equipment that reprograms the card] and alter it to be used multiple times, and cast multiple votes.
One concerned insider explains: "Shelby County Board of Elections has been notified. They said is was 'not a big deal' because, they said, the cards are deactivated. But the reality is, you can buy the equipment at computer stores to reactivate them. It's on the Internet how to reactivate the cards!"
Meanwhile, The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is reviewing reports by the Shelby County Election Commission that two people voted twice during early voting in Memphis.
Dist. Atty. Gen. Bill Gibbons said he's referred the cases to the TBI for investigation along with other matters he declined to discuss.
Poll watchers are expected to turn out Tuesday to observe voting in Tennessee's heated U.S. Senate race between Chattanooga Republican Bob Corker and Memphis Democrat Harold Ford Jr.
So, in a state with one of the closest Senate races, and one that may determine who controls the Senate, electronic voting cards go missing?! This smacks of Karl Rove, to be frank. However, it is possible that Democratic operatives pulled this off, and in that case, never mind.
Ha! I can't stand it when gay people hide behind hate!
Courtesy Radaronline.com.
MORE HERE, from Newsvine.com.
New Poll Show Democratis Within Reach of Senate
November 02, 2006
Democrats Lead in Enough Races to Take Senate
"Democrats are holding at least narrow leads in enough key Republican Senate seats to gain control," a Reuters/Zogby poll shows.
Democrats lead Republican incumbents in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Montana, Virginia and Rhode Island, "but only the Rhode Island and Pennsylvania races were outside the polls' margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points."
"To gain a Senate majority, Democrats must hold their own seats and win six of seven at-risk Republican seats, including knocking off at least five Republican incumbents."
Other key findings:Said pollster John Zogby: "The Democrats have a real shot at the Senate now, and six weeks ago you probably could not have said that. But it's still a jump ball, and there has been volatility both ways."
- The race is Tennessee seems out of reach as Bob Corker (R) opened a 10-point lead on Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN) in the race for a Republican open seat in Tennessee.
- Democrats lead in Maryland and New Jersey, their two most vulnerable seats. In fact, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) has opened a 12 point lead over Tom Kean Jr. (R).
- In Connecticut, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I) is on his way to victory with a 10 point lead, but since he's said he'll caucus with Democrats the race doesn't impact the struggle for control.
Kickin' It Oldschool!
In Honor of Halloween, My Favorite Holiday!
For some Halloween fun, check out •THIS VIDEO• at Ebausmworld.com for some scary entertainment!
Happy Halloween!
Sen. Allen's (R-VA) Staff Tackles Marine!
Senator Allen's response? "Things like this happen."
FL Electronic Voting Machine Changes Votes!
From the article:
Election officials say they aren't aware of any serious voting issues. But in Broward County, for example, they don't know how widespread the machine problems are because there's no process for poll workers to quickly report minor issues and no central database of machine problems.
In Miami-Dade, incidents are logged and reported daily and recorded in a central database. Problem machines are shut down.
''In the past, Miami-Dade County would send someone to correct the machine on site,'' said Lester Sola, county supervisor of elections. Now, he said, ``We close the machine down and put a seal on it.''
Debra A. Reed voted with her boss on Wednesday at African-American Research Library and Cultural Center near Fort Lauderdale. Her vote went smoothly, but boss Gary Rudolf called her over to look at what was happening on his machine. He touched the screen for gubernatorial candidate Jim Davis, a Democrat, but the review screen repeatedly registered the Republican, Charlie Crist.
That's exactly the kind of problem that sends conspiracy theorists into high gear -- especially in South Florida, where a history of problems at the polls have made voters particularly skittish.
A poll worker then helped Rudolf, but it took three tries to get it right, Reed said.
''I'm shocked because I really want . . . to trust that the issues with irregularities with voting machines have been resolved,'' said Reed, a paralegal. ``It worries me because the races are so close.''
GOP Spends 90% of Campaign Funds on Negative Ads!
I remind you of Revelations 12:12: "The devil rages when his time is short." Is there any more proof that the Republicans are flayling?
From the article:
The result has been a carnival of ugly, especially on the GOP side, where operatives are trying to counter what polls show is a hostile political environment by casting opponents as fatally flawed characters. The National Republican Campaign Committee is spending more than 90 percent of its advertising budget on negative ads, according to GOP operatives, and the rest of the party seems to be following suit. A few examples of the "character issues" taking center stage two weeks before Election Day:
· In New York, the NRCC ran an ad accusing Democratic House candidate Michael A. Arcuri, a district attorney, of using taxpayer dollars for phone sex. "Hi, sexy," a dancing woman purrs. "You've reached the live, one-on-one fantasy line." It turns out that one of Arcuri's aides had tried to call the state Division of Criminal Justice, which had a number that was almost identical to that of a porn line. The misdial cost taxpayers $1.25.
· In Ohio, GOP gubernatorial candidate J. Kenneth Blackwell, trailing by more than 20 points in polls, has accused front-running Democratic Rep. Ted Strickland of protecting a former aide who was convicted in 1994 on a misdemeanor indecency charge. Blackwell's campaign is also warning voters through suggestive "push polls" that Strickland failed to support a resolution condemning sex between adults and children. Strickland, a psychiatrist, objected to a line suggesting that sexually abused children cannot have healthy relationships when they grow up.
· The Republican Party of Wisconsin distributed a mailing linking Democratic House candidate Steve Kagen to a convicted serial killer and child rapist. The supposed connection: The "bloodthirsty" attorney for the killer had also done legal work for Kagen.
· In two dozen congressional districts, a political action committee supported by a white Indianapolis businessman, J. Patrick Rooney, is running ads saying Democrats want to abort black babies. A voice says, "If you make a little mistake with one of your hos, you'll want to dispose of that problem tout de suite, no questions asked."
· In the most controversial recent ad, the Republican National Committee slammed Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. (D-Tenn.) for attending a Playboy-sponsored Super Bowl party. In the ad, a scantily clad white actress winks as she reminisces about good times with Ford, who is black. That ad has been pulled, but the RNC has a new one saying Ford "wants to give the abortion pill to schoolchildren."
Some Democrats are playing rough, too. House candidate Chris Carney is running ads slamming the "family values" of Rep. Don Sherwood (R-Pa.), whose former mistress accused him of choking her. And House candidate Kirsten Gillibrand has an ad online ridiculing Rep. John E. Sweeney (R-N.Y.) for attending a late-night fraternity party. "What's a 50-year-old man doing at a frat party anyway?" one young woman asks, as a faux Sweeney boogies behind her to the Beastie Boys. "Totally creeping me out!" another responds.
But most harsh Democratic attacks have focused on the policies and performance of the GOP majority, trying to link Republicans to Bush, the unpopular war in Iraq and the scandals involving former representative Mark Foley and former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. That is not surprising, given that polls show two-thirds of the electorate thinks the country is going in the wrong direction. And studies show that negative ads can reduce turnout; Democrats hope a constant drumbeat of scandal, Iraq and "stay the course" will persuade conservatives to stay home on Nov. 7.
New Rothenburg Polls
October 27, 2006
New Rothenberg Ratings
The latest Rothenberg Political Report ratings are out.House: Democratic gain of 18-28 seats, with the caveat that larger gains surely are possible. (Democrats need to net 15 seats for a majority.)
Senate: Democratic gains of 4-7 seats. (Democrats need to net six for a majority.)
Govenors: Democratic gains of 6-10 governorships.
Peggy Noonan Does it Again!
She has written her latest column about the desire of some Republicans to lose this election in order to regain their bearings. Something they definitely have to do after six years of what amounts to a drunken orgy!
The 250 Best Movies of the Last 30 Years (?)
Two U.S. Generals Call for Democratic Victory!
The wave is building!
From the article:
Oct. 25, 2006 | WASHINGTON -- Two retired senior Army generals, who served in Iraq and previously voted Republican, are now openly endorsing a Democratic takeover of Congress. The generals, and an active-duty senior military official, told Salon in separate interviews that they believe a Democratic victory will help reverse course from what they consider to be a disastrous Bush administration policy in Iraq. The two retired generals, Maj. Gen. John Batiste and Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, first openly criticized the handling of the war last spring, when they called for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
"The best thing that can happen right now is for one or both of our houses to go Democratic so we can have some oversight," Batiste, who led the Army's 1st Infantry Division in Iraq in 2004 and 2005, told Salon. Batiste describes himself as a "lifelong Republican." But now, he said, "It is time for a change."
Eaton, who was in charge of training the Iraqi military from 2003 to 2004, agrees that Democratic control of Congress could be the best way to wrest control from the Bush administration and steer the United States away from a gravely flawed strategy in Iraq. "The way out that I see is to hand the House and the Senate to the Democrats and get this thing turned around," Eaton explained, adding that such sentiment is growing among retired and active-duty military leaders. "Most of us see two more years of the same if the Republicans stay in power," he said. He also noted, "You could not have tortured me enough to vote for Mr. Kerry or Mr. Gore, but I'm not at all thrilled with who I did vote for."
Racist Republican Ad!
WOW! The Battlestar Galactica on Rapid Descent!
A pivotal scene from last week's "Battlestar Galactica"!
Bush: Stay the Course...Stay the course...oh, wait
Then he says, "We've never been 'stay the course, George [Stephanopolis]!"
Wait, what?
October 23, 2006
Quote of the Day II
"If the Democrats win, it will be a Forrest Gump victory - essentially things swirled around them over which they had very little control and they ended up scoring touchdowns, designing happy signs, and making money on shrimp." - Pollster John Zogby
Pat Tillman's Brother Attacks the Bush Administration!
From the article:
Somehow we were sent to invade a nation because it was a direct threat to the American people, or to the world, or harbored terrorists, or was involved in the September 11 attacks, or received weapons-grade uranium from Niger, or had mobile weapons labs, or WMD, or had a need to be liberated, or we needed to establish a democracy, or stop an insurgency, or stop a civil war we created that can’t be called a civil war even though it is. Something like that.
Somehow our elected leaders were subverting international law and humanity by setting up secret prisons around the world, secretly kidnapping people, secretly holding them indefinitely, secretly not charging them with anything, secretly torturing them. Somehow that overt policy of torture became the fault of a few “bad apples” in the military.
Todays Parents Are Awful People #2
These parents are sick and representative of a degenerate culture among today's parents that are simply raising entitled, spoiled children who will be unable to function in adult society.
More Bad News for the GOP*
October 21, 2006
Republicans Losing Evangelical Support
"If the elections for Congress were held today, according to the new Newsweek poll, 60 percent of white Evangelicals would support the Republican candidate in their district, compared to just 31 percent who would back the Democrat. To the uninitiated, that may sound like heartening news for Republicans in the autumn of their discontent. But if you’re a pundit, a pol, or a preacher, you know better. White Evangelicals are a cornerstone of the GOP’s base; in 2004, exit polls found Republicans carried white Evangelicals 3 to 1 over Democrats, winning 74 percent of their votes. In turn, Evangelicals carried the GOP to victory. But with a little more than two weeks before the crucial midterms, the Republican base may be cracking."
"If something doesn’t give -- and quick -- Republicans will view 2004 as the good ol’ days. Fifty-five percent of likely voters in the new Newsweek poll say they would vote for the Democrat in their district if the election were held today, versus 37 percent who say they would vote for the Republican. That’s not surprising; the Democrats have been leading in the opinion polls for months. But the new poll suggests -- from the leanings of bellwether voting blocs to voters’ priorities -- that a possible Republican loss could turn into a rout."
*GOP should now refer to "Giving Over Power," or perhaps "God's Old Party."
Oh, and the more I think about it, the more I have come to believe that getting rid of the South (i.e. the old Confederacy) would be akin to cutting out a tumor from an otherwise healthy body.
The Simpsons Takes a Stand Against the Iraq War!
Porn Addicts for Allen!
Wow! Battlestar Just Gets Better!
Reprehensible GOP Add
The Republican Party is bankrupt, so all they have left to do is try and scare us. Don't be fooled, please.
Revelations 12:12: "The devil rages when his time is short."
Thanks & A Great Article
Hello, faithful reader!
Firstly, many, many thanks for those who have been so consistent about clicking on my Google ads! As you can see, I'm up to over $5! A small victory, I know, but that's $5 going towards the ShawnCast and Random notes that I didn't have!
Secondly, you MUST READ THIS ARTICLE! It is a Rolling Stone piece on the how the 109th Congress is the worst Congress in history!
Ten Dumbest Members of Congress!
Take a moment and check it out, it is fascinating! Some highlights:
•A Republican United States Senator made a joke about "niggers" in 1994!
•A Republican Representative answered "buttfucking" when a student asked for an example of what kinds of programs the National Endowment for the Arts spent its money on!
And many, many more!
Yes, it's true: the party of "family values" has a lot of skeletons in its closet!
Guy Gets a Telemarketer!
Thanks & Fun!
Remember, any time you see something you like on Zalandria, you can thank me by clicking an ad!
Secondly-- the fun stuff!
Check this out! The Top Ten Blue Screens of Death Images!. Loads of fun!
Wolf Blitzer Nails a Republican (so to speak!)
Finally, some journalist is exposing Republican lies & obfurscation!
Wow! Battlestar Galactica(s) vs. Imperial Fleet!
Check this out!
They are dangerous to our democracy! (such as it is)
Come On, Just Do It!
Switch to a Mac! You know you want to!
And here are even more!
Oh and...
Apparently Vista gaming will be 10-15% SLOWER than Windows XP!
And as for Zune?
Note: Apparently that center button is NOT a click-wheel like iPod, it's just designed to look like it! Don't be fooled!
Conservative Talk Show Host = Major Dick
An exerpt:
Savage also called the page a "sleazeball" and "a greedy, aggressive child" who "went to Washington to get ahead" and "knew how to play a congressman who was gay on the gay theme." Savage also stated, "I don't know whether the boy exists," but that if he does, "[m]aybe he's a Democrat." Additionally, Savage asserted that Foley's resignation "has everything to do with gays" and that "[i]t proves why homosexuals cannot be trusted in sensitive positions." Savage also claimed that "the gay mafia has so much power" and "is the secret hand of censorship in this country" and stated: "The gays have always said, 'Now, Michael Savage, don't confuse homosexuality with pedophiles. We never, never molest children.' All right, tell that walking."
What a surprise... I wondered how long it would take the right to start equating homosexuality with pedophilia.
God these people make me sick!!
Why Micro$oft's "ZUNE" Sucks!
•CLICK HERE• for a great article on why the Zune player will suck in comparison to the iPod ... or in comparison to anything, really, like a giant suction eel, for example!
Here's one, for example (from roughlydrafted.com):
"Myth 4: The Zune will do most everything else the iPod does at the same price
Picture Fun!
No Word From the Religious Right!
Bob Geiger on the silence of Dobson's Focus on the Family about Cong. Foley.
How interesting! Scumbags like Dr. James Dobson suddenly silent on Foley, a long-time ally. How interesting!
Star Wars Nerd Kicks A**!
(*Language is Not Safe For Work)
You can find the video by clicking HERE.
I Think I Remember This ... Do You?
Optical Illusions!
New Content!
For my part, I'll keep trowling the web for funny stuff to give you a laugh! Okay, so it's a deal, right? Come on, don't make me beg (unless that would make you laugh and click on an ad!)
AND -- scroll down and take at look at the ELECTION 2006 HOUSE AND SENATE TICKERS! They are updated every day, and reflect the latest poll data. Check it out!!
O, brave new world!
Ha! In your face!
Death of a Princess
Please Take a Moment to Read
Basically true....
Neo-Liberal You scored 51% Personal Liberty and 28% Economic Liberty! |
A neo-liberal believes in moderate government intervention on personal matters and moderate to high government intervention on economic matters. They believe in a social safety net or welfare state and try to balance personal liberty with safety or security. Some neo-liberals believe in more foreign intervention or war then most other leftists. Others are more like Centrist Democrats. More authoritarian-leaning Neo-liberals (such as personal 40/economic 30) are the result of a "fusion" between "old left" and "new right" tendencies. |
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Politics Test written by brainpolice on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Another Great "Futurama" Song!
Fry wins a trip to the Slurm Cola factory, where he uncovers some bizarre secrets ... and some bizarre workers!
How True!
You Are Cookie Monster |
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth. You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around. You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!" |
You Should Rule Mars |
Mars is a planet that shines brightly and loops wildly around the solar system. You are perfect to rule Mars, because you are both energetic and independent. Like Mars, you seems attractive and bright to others - but you're difficult to pin down. You are a great thinker, but you only think in the present and ignore the future. Full of enthusiasm and inspiration, you are into your own thing... and rather insensitive to others. |