

I created the fantastical world of Zalandria in my first full-length novel [unpublished], "Dawn of the Darkness." I don't know where the name came from, but I always liked it. The novel is okay, but I have written better -- most recently, "The Forgetting." That particular novel [also unpublished as yet] was simply a way to exorcise some old demons. It worked pretty well, actually, and the select few that have read it have reacted positively. It is unrelentingly dark and depressing, but putting all my foibles and fears down on paper (well, in Word anyway) really did help me move passed a very long period of depression.

I used "Zalandria" in that novel, too. The main character used it to escape his desultory life by pretending to be King, and casting him self as the flawed but loveable hero. A lot of people do something like that, I would imagine. It is good to be the King, to quote Mel Brooks in "History of the World."

So I created a digital Zalandria here, in hopes of expelling whatever bile might rise in my throat on any particular day, or whenever the mood strikes me. The mood usually strikes every weekday, and usually late at night while I'm watching reruns of poor-quality sitcoms that somehow made it to 100 episodes (e.g. "Just Shoot Me").

Always remember: "A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist."
(from one of my very favorite British comedies, "Yes, Minister.)

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